

Very low maintenance (-50%), less production costs and no downtimes
The least environmental footprint for food production
Saving 20 tons of CO2 emissions per ton of food
The highest productivity in a very limited space (long term)
> Dissolved O2, > Growth rate, > Higher food safety

sustainable fish and vegetables!
herbicides, no synthetic fertilizers.
“Vegetarian” fish with
high Ω-3 content,
free of heavy metals,
and medicines!

Food Retailers
Restaurants and hotels
Local business offices
Other industries
Weekly Farmers markets

Biocantinas project
from the Municipality)

Raising funding for the first large-scale commercial unit!
Tastiest and ω-3 fatty acids-rich fresh certified fish!
Fresh certified organic herbs, leafy greens and fruits!
Carbon neutrality!
Sustainable «vegetarian» fish (full plant-based fish feed)
Zero waste, zero pesticides and zero water waste!
Farm to Fork, reaching a market of 2 million consumers!
41% ROI average per year (one unit)! *
62% EBITDA-To-Sales Ratio *
3-year Payback!
Easy replicable for the outskirts of other large cities!
The most experienced team in RAS and Aquaponics!

(from the 1st year of fullproduction capacity)

+ equipment, materials
+ technology
+ implementation and tests
+ licensing and certification
+ team expansion and training
+ 15 month OPEX

Get in touch!