Higher food safety, higher water savings, better nutrient and waste management, climate change adapted, energy efficient, higher food quality and better animal welfare.

Use of Aquaponics Iberia's Climate Smart modular technology
- Efficient solid filtration and aerobic biodigesting (conversion to natural fertilizer)
- O2 management and control
- Fast metabolism / growth of fish and greens
- Less labor intensive / maintenance interventions
- Trouble free operation
- Evaporated water recovery
- Efficient solid filtration and aerobic biodigesting (conversion to natural fertilizer)
- O2 management and control
- Fast metabolism / growth of fish and greens
- Less labor intensive / maintenance interventions
- Trouble free operation
- Evaporated water recovery
Increase nutritious and local food sovereignty, including fresh fish protein and greens! Teach about local and sustainable food production with low resources.
Pure, fresh and healthy food without using pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers nor medication. No contaminants as heavy metals, microplastics or BPA.
Workshops and guided tours to teach local students and citizens how to sustainably grow their own healthy food using several areas of knowledge
Grow food without wasting water by recycling it continuously (100% closed circuit with no effluent discharges)
Qualified and locally trained professionals in an ergonomic environment and well payed according to performance and company’s results
Increase local nutritious food sovereignty and teach fresh and sustainable fish protein and greens production!
No pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, medication, heavy metals, microplastics nor BPA
Tours and training students and citizens how to sustainably grow healthy food using science
Grow food without wasting water by recycling it continuously (100% no effluent discharges)
Qualified and locally trained staff working ergonomically, fairly payed according to performance and growth
New and disruptive technologies to sustainably generate high quality fish protein and greens to be replicated all over European cities
Climate Smart aquaponics modular system is totally adapted to climate change, either to mitigate the common consequences of food production or to keep producing in adverse climatic conditions.
Smart and sustainable urban farming delivering food right where it is produced, in densely populated areas, making it fresh and avoiding transportation.
Involve local community.
By not growing carnivorous fish, there’s no need for fish meal and, as such, we are preserving oceans’ biodiversity being wild stocks friendly, reducing fish catch and we’re not polluting the marine ecosystem
Sensitizing children, general consumers and entrepreneurs about the environment needs, sustainable production and healthy food consumption;
ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) certified fish being locally produced and delivered;
Very efficient use of resources (extreme high water savings; use of renewable energy);
No effluent discharges for the environment;
Less carbon emissions;
Ensuring food safety, freshness and healthy / natural food;
No need for fertile land / smaller footprint / high productivity.
New and disruptive technologies to sustainably generate high quality fish protein and greens to be replicated all over European cities
Climate Smart aquaponics modular system is totally adapted to climate change, either to mitigate the common consequences of food production or to keep producing in adverse climatic conditions.
Smart and sustainable urban farming delivering food right where it is produced, in densely populated areas, making it fresh and avoiding transportation.
Involve local community.
By not growing carnivorous fish, there’s no need for fish meal and, as such, we are preserving oceans’ biodiversity being wild stocks friendly, reducing fish catch and we’re not polluting the marine ecosystem
Sensitizing children, general consumers and entrepreneurs about the environment needs, sustainable production and healthy food consumption;
ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) certified fish being locally produced and delivered;
Very efficient use of resources (extreme high water savings; use of renewable energy);
No effluent discharges for the environment;
Less carbon emissions;
Ensuring food safety, freshness and healthy / natural food;
No need for fertile land / smaller footprint / high productivity.

Fish waste is processed by beneficial aerobic bacteria
Microorganisms convert fish waste into natural fertilizer which is assimilated by plants
Plants grow healthily while cleaning the water returning to fish tanks

Venlo Hi Tech greenhouse
130 tons of greens per year
42 tons of fresh sustainable fish per year
Building attached to the greenhouse powered by PV panels on top
Food store for consumers with fresh local greens, vegetables and fish
Workshops and training room to learn about aquaponics, about healthy food and how to become more sustainable
Restaurant with healthy and local food (most of it from aquaponics)
Guided tours for school groups and consumers (involving the local community)
Plant nursery
Processing (fresh) and packaging
Rainwater harvesting
Closed circuit system (permanent water recycling), without effluent discharges
Controlled environment (production all year round)
Total surface area: 2,500 square meters